What to do after your "COLLEGE STUDIES", Either look for JOB or develop SKILLS
Which is better, Job or Skill development ? "What job are you doing", "Are you placed", " Our Neighbour's kid has been placed in a top reputed company with a good package, you are still jobless, spending our hard earned money " Every graduated, jobless person has heared atleast one of the above statements or dialogues from their parents or relatives. Nowadays, there is job everywhere around the world for every job type. Also , it is available for every skill. Where the problem arrives : From my point of observation (may vary with others), the problem arrives when you are desparately in need for a job. This causes you to do/apply any type of job irrevelant of the job type or the skills required. Nowadays, the posting of jobs comes along with the specifications or required skills of the role which you are going to apply for. My important tip would be to go thr